About Myself
I am Belén Mutlló, a Technical Engineer in Agricultural and a Landscape Designer.
Since 1987 I have been dedicated to the world of design and the execution of public, corporate and private green spaces, with the aim of bringing people ever closer to nature.
My way of working is the result of the combination of three factors:
On the one hand, is my unconditional love for nature. On the other hand, my love and sensitivity toward beauty, looking for the way to incorporate and reflect it in everything that I do and third and last, all of them are put to the service of the clients and their garden.
In this work, the first thing is to listen and observe The keys to all design are in the client and the place we are to work.
The second thing is the team who will execute it. I take care personally of all this process and our work is summed up in the quality of the result, the care of the details, the mutual respect and enjoying what we are doing all together.
Under the premise that the client’s resources deserve the maximum respect, looking always to the interest of the client and the result we are seeking to reach.
Interview conducted by the Espai de Saói Fonda program (Channel TE)